National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023: Keeping You Safe

The digital world is consistently evolving and growing, and becoming increasingly more cunning. With this in mind, it is imperative that we remain cautious and well-educated about any threats or dangers that we may encounter. Halloween isn’t the only frightening thing about October… In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October, we want to advise you — our wonderful clients — of the significance of cybersecurity, and provide you all with important hints, tips and tricks to ensure your own cybersecurity safety: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

What’s So Dangerous About the Digital World, Anyway?

In today’s digital world, it’s pretty difficult — almost impossible — to live and work without the internet. Rather than an option, it has become a necessity in our ever-evolving society. From healthcare documentation to financial information; from personal use to business conversations — we use the internet for a whole host of different tasks. However, with this increased usage of the internet comes a wide array of different cybersecurity threats, such as hacking, ransomware, phishing, malware, and identity theft.

Why is Cybersecurity So Important?

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a solid reminder of the crucial role that cybersecurity plays in all of our working — as well as personal — lives. So, why does it matter? Let’s explore this below:

  1. Safeguarding Personal Details: Cyberattacks can put all of your personal details at risk, leading to financial loss, identity theft, and emotional distress. Cybersecurity ensures your privacy, as well as the protection of your data.
  2. Protecting Your Business: A data breach within a business can be disastrous. As a result, a data breach could potentially lead to financial losses, a loss of customer and client trust, as well as legal issues. With this in mind, cybersecurity is vital for any business. Be sure to have a read of our blog post, which can help you prevent data loss (Data Loss Prevention — DLP) within your business.
  3. National Security: With our world now being so interconnected, cybersecurity is also a matter of national security. Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure — which provides the public with their most vital needs — businesses, and healthcare services can have extensive consequences.

an image showing cybersecurity

10 Top Tips for Cybersecurity Safety

“What can I do to stop this from happening?”, we hear you ask. Check out our 10 Top Tips for Cybersecurity Safety down below:

  1. Powerful Passwords: Make sure that you create complex, unique passwords for every account that you deal with. As well as this, consider using a password manager to keep track of them. At Wessex IT, we make good use of IT Glue (ITG) to store all of our clients’ important passwords.
  2. Regular Software Updates: It is very important to keep your operating system, programs, and antivirus software as up to date as possible. These software updates frequently carry important security patches — be sure to keep an eye on this.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication: Be sure to make good use of Two-Factor Authentication wherever and whenever possible, as it provides an extra layer of protection by requiring multiple forms of verification, keeping your data safe from potential hackers. At Wessex IT, we make good use of Duo for all of our Two-Factor Authentication.
  4. Back Up All of Your Data: Instead of just keeping all of your data on your computer system, make sure to also regularly back up all of your data to an external source or a cloud service as well. In case a ransomware attack were to take place, this can save you from any potential data loss.
  5. Be Careful of Phishing and Email Scams: Make sure to remain on high alert for any uninvited emails or messages asking for personal information coming into your inbox. Make sure you know who you’re speaking to before sharing any sensitive data.
  6. Use Secure and Reliable Networks: Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for carrying out sensitive or confidential tasks, such as online banking. If it is ever the case that you do need to use public Wi-Fi for these types of tasks, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), providing you with extra privacy, safety and security.
  7. Security Awareness Training: Provide your employees with cybersecurity training within your business, in order to create a culture of safety across the board throughout your company.
  8. Secure Your Home Network: Make sure to modify any default router passwords, use encryption, and regularly update your router’s firmware.
  9. Keep Yourself Informed: Stay informed and educated about all of the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices for you and your business.
  10. Report Any Suspicious Activity Immediately: As soon as you suspect any kind of cyber threat, make sure to report it to the appropriate authorities or your IT department with immediate effect.

Continue To Follow Best Practices

Using the above information, make sure to keep following best practices within your business to ensure your safety, security and protection. Cybersecurity is an ongoing effort, and it is a shared responsibility among all of us — it’s important to continue taking necessary steps to protect your own data and the digital world as a whole. By following all of the above recommendations and integrating them into our day-to-day lives, we can minimise the risks of cyber threats and cyberattacks, and enjoy all of the benefits and treasures that the digital world has to offer, all whilst keeping ourselves safe and secure. Cybersecurity is not just a buzzword or a fashionable phrase — it plays a vital role in our daily lives.

Get In Touch!

Are you and your business interested in having your IT looked after by a trusted, Sussex, UK-based, leading IT support business and technical support team? Then look no further than Wessex IT.

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Working throughout the South, we provide 24/7 in-house IT support, with everything consolidated and managed under one roof for ease within your business.

We have direct relationships with all of our suppliers and genuinely care about our customers — you’re never just a number to us.

Why not get in touch with us to organise a free IT Services Audit? You might be surprised by what we find! We would love to hear from you — you can find our contact details here.

From IT support, IT project consultancy, data backup and disaster recovery, to managed anti-virus, cybersecurity, Microsoft 365, domains and website hosting: we’ve got you covered.

You can even check out what our clients have to say about us and our services here!

Your business deserves a fully managed approach: let us be there every step of the way.

Check out what we can do for you in regard to preparing for The Big 2027 PSTN and ISDN Switch-Off and setting you up for the future here!

Wessex IT can help your business navigate the switch to SoGEA and VoIP services. We can advise, migrate, and support your business during the switch-off, so you can be reassured that your current and future IT systems are in good hands.

If one of your services that we already provide is going to be affected by the switch-off, we will guide you through the change. Things won’t just stop working!

If you’re looking to move or upgrade your current services from other suppliers, we offer a variety of solutions that can replace and often improve your current communications. Our range of broadband products are suitable for all types of organisations.

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