

Here you’ll find useful IT advice and as well as the latest stories from Wessex IT, our clients and the fast-moving IT industry.

an image showing windows 10 eol

Windows 10 EOL: Critical Information All Businesses Should Know

For millions of users worldwide, Windows 10 has been the go-to trusted operating system (OS) since its launch in 2015. However, as with all software, support eventually must come to an end. On 14th October 2025, Microsoft will officially end support for Windows 10, marking the end of regular security

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Image: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024: Best Defence

It’s important that we remain cautious and well-educated about any cyber threats or dangers that we may encounter day-to-day. Halloween isn’t the only frightening thing about October… In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October, we want to advise you of the significance of cybersecurity, and provide you all

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Image: Point-to-Point WiFi Units on Tower

Point-To-Point Wi-Fi: Powerful Network Boost

Wireless connection solutions are much more popular now due to their flexibility and ease of installation. A great solution that we provide to our customers are wireless point-to-point Wi-Fi units, providing businesses with strong wireless connections across large distances. If your business is looking for an efficient way to extend

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Image: Managed Hosting

Elite Managed Hosting: Maximise Efficiency

Having a website is more than just about your business having an online presence — it’s the foundation of your business’ brand, an important sales tool, and a key part of your business strategy. When you consider the importance of your website and everything that’s at stake, ensuring that it

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Image: Wessex IT Celebrating MSP 501

We Are Europe’s #1 IT Service Provider!

Wessex IT Recognised as Europe’s #1 IT Service Provider We are delighted to share that we have been recognised as the highest-ranking Managed Service Provider (MSP) in Europe according to industry experts, Channel Futures. Now in its 17th year, the prestigious MSP 501 list highlights the very best IT service

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Image: XGS Firewalls Security

Sophos XGS Firewalls: Boost Business Security

We are always committed to safeguarding our customers’ systems and data, which is why we recommend Sophos XGS Firewalls for all new deployments. Whether replacing legacy DrayTek Firewalls or enhancing current defences, Sophos XGS Firewalls provide top-notch protection and peace of mind. What Are Sophos XGS Firewalls? Sophos XGS Firewalls

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