Microsoft Renames Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID

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Microsoft recently made an announcement that Azure AD (Active Directory), their popular identity and access management solution, will be undergoing a transformation and rebranding to become Microsoft Entra ID. This strategic move is part of Microsoft’s ongoing efforts to enhance and simplify secure access experiences for users. Starting from August 2023, users will gradually begin […]

Managed IT Services: the True Value for Business

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Every business, regardless of its size, relies on effective IT services and systems to deliver increase productivity and quality customer service. Robust and reliable managed IT services can empower businesses to maintain a competitive edge. Since the majority of small and medium-sized businesses lack the expertise and resources to effectively manage IT internally, engaging a […]

The Importance of Security Awareness Training

While technical solutions like email firewalls and two-factor-authentication solutions are important for protecting end users, the one unifying risk factor that must be addressed to fundamentally improve security is the role of human error. Why Cyber Security Awareness Training is Important? Data breaches are running rampant these days, and the security picture in the UK […]

Microsoft Teams: Revolutionising the Modern Workplace

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Microsoft Teams has taken the modern workplace by storm, revolutionising the way teams communicate and collaborate. Microsoft Teams has experienced unprecedented growth since its inception, making it the most rapidly expanding application in Microsoft’s history. Over 330,000 businesses worldwide have embraced this platform, and if you’re reading this there’s a good chance you’re one of […]

Why my Business Website Needs an SSL Certificate?


You may be familiar with URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), which are the addresses used to access websites. For instance, Wessex IT’s URL is: Have you ever noticed the distinction between URLs that start with http:// and those that begin with https://? The dissimilarity lies in the letter S. However, the true meaning behind that […]

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR): Myths and Misconceptions

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Businesses depend on IT systems to efficiently store and retrieve information, minimise human errors, accelerate workflows, and shield against cyber threats. The significance of well-designed IT systems cannot be overstated, as they enhance convenience, efficiency, and security across all aspects of a business’s operations. However, IT disasters are common, and without proper preparation, the consequences […]