Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR): Myths and Misconceptions

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Businesses depend on IT systems to efficiently store and retrieve information, minimise human errors, accelerate workflows, and shield against cyber threats. The significance of well-designed IT systems cannot be overstated, as they enhance convenience, efficiency, and security across all aspects of a business’s operations. However, IT disasters are common, and without proper preparation, the consequences […]

2FA: Empower Your Business Security Today

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With the realisation that passwords alone are inadequate for safeguarding user accounts in the current technical landscape, the need for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) also known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has grown among companies, governments, and the public. Reaching an all-time high, the cost of a data breach averaged $4.35 million in 2022 according to IBMs […]

Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats of 2023

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Welcome to the digital age, where everything from our bank accounts to our social media profiles is just a few clicks away. But as we embrace the convenience of technology, we must also accept the growing threat of cybercrime. Cybersecurity threats have never been more prominent, and businesses and individuals alike need to take action […]

VoIP Analytics: The Power of Real-Time Call Monitoring

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Effective communication is crucial for businesses to succeed in today’s fast-paced environment. Despite increased use of Teams, Zoom and the like; phones are still a key business tool when it comes to working with customers and winning new business. Cloud Voice Analytics is a fantastic tool for getting a handle on how effectively your business […]

Response to Critical Outlook Vulnerability (CVE-2023-23397)

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You may have heard about a recently disclosed critical vulnerability in Outlook. This vulnerability is particularly bad because it allows an attacker to gain sensitive authentication information just by sending you an email. You don’t even have to open it! Despite Microsoft only being aware of limited, targeted exploitation of this vulnerability we need to […]

Microsoft 365 Data: 4 Reasons To Have A Backup

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The increasing dependence on cloud technology has led to a significant shift in how businesses store, manage, and access their data. However, a common misconception people have about using Microsoft 365 is that there is no need to back up Microsoft 365 data because Microsoft does all that automatically. Despite the common misconception that Microsoft […]